how to treat plantar fasciitis at home with the flow orb

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis At Home - Using the Flow Orb Massage Ball

Plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain, affects millions of people worldwide. The stabbing pain in the heel, especially in the morning, can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life.

Traditional treatments like orthotics, night splints, and cortisone injections often provide temporary relief without addressing the root cause of the problem, and sometimes add to the problem due to the fact that they are designed to address the symptoms - without addressing the cause of the problem.

In fact, these traditional treatments may even serve to further weaken the foot, and prevent it from working the way nature intended. To effectively treat plantar fasciitis, we've found it incredibly effective to simultaneously focus on

  • foot core strength
  • lymphatic health
  • fascia repair

One innovative tool that can help achieve this holistic approach is the Flow Orb Vibrating and Oscillating Massage Ball. 

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia, a thick band of connective tissue running across the bottom of the foot, becomes inflamed. This inflammation can result from several factors, including poor foot mechanics, inadequate footwear, and overuse. Three common culprits include:

  1. Wearing narrow toe shoes, or shoes where the toe curves upwards - these stop the toes from spreading and splaying causing restriction of movement, blood flow, and fascia.
  2. Wearing shoes with highly cushioned, spongy, soles - these may feel more comfortable, but weaken the foot core.
  3. Wearing shoes with elevated heels - these push your foot and toes deep into your shoe, restricting natural movement and flow.

In short - a less commonly discussed but crucial aspect of plantar fasciitis is the weakening of the foot core, and the restriction of natural movement and circulation in the feet.

Why Foot Core Strength Matters

The foot core comprises intrinsic muscles that support the arch and facilitate natural movement. These muscles are crucial for maintaining the stability and flexibility of the foot. When these muscles are weak, the arch's ability to flex and absorb shock is compromised, leading to strain on the plantar fascia.

Over time, this strain causes micro-tears and inflammation, resulting in the characteristic pain of plantar fasciitis.

Strengthening the foot core helps distribute pressure evenly across the foot, reducing the load on the plantar fascia. By enhancing the strength and functionality of these muscles, you can prevent further damage to the fascia and support the healing process.

The Role of the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system plays a critical role in maintaining overall health by removing toxins and waste products from the body. Poor lymphatic flow can contribute to inflammation and slow the healing process, exacerbating plantar fasciitis symptoms.

The lymphatic system is particularly important for reducing swelling and promoting tissue repair, which are essential for overcoming plantar fasciitis.

Improving lymphatic flow can help reduce inflammation in the feet, promote faster recovery, and enhance the overall healing environment. This is why addressing lymphatic health is a vital component of treating plantar fasciitis holistically.

Importance of Fascia Repair

Fascia is the connective tissue that supports muscles and organs. In the foot, the plantar fascia is responsible for maintaining the arch and absorbing the impact of movement. Tight or damaged fascia can cause pain and restrict movement, contributing to the symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Repairing and maintaining healthy fascia is essential for reducing pain and restoring normal foot function.

Targeted fascia massage can improve blood flow, enhance flexibility, and break down adhesions in the fascia, promoting healing and reducing pain associated with plantar fasciitis.

Using the Flow Orb for Holistic Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

The Flow Orb Vibrating and Oscillating Massage Ball has 3 unique modes which  include vibration, intermittent pulse and oscillation. It is an innovative tool designed to improve circulation, enhance lymphatic flow, and repair fascia.  

Here’s how to use the Flow Orb effectively to treat plantar fasciitis:

Step One: Opening Up the Lymph Nodes
  • Set the Flow Orb to Mode One (vibration).
  • Place the Flow Orb under the back of your knee. Yes, not foot - knee!
  • Leave it there for 10-15 minutes. Your Flow Orb will switch off automatically after this time period which we call a "cycle". This will help open up the lymph nodes at the back of the knee, promoting better lymphatic flow throughout the leg and foot.
  • If both feet are affected, make sure you do both knees - a full cycle for each knee.
use the flow orb to treat plantar fasciitis
Step Two: Fascia Release on the Foot
  • Set the Flow Orb to Mode Two or Three (intermittent pulse or oscillation), depending on your preference. Whatever causes you to relax the most, and feels most pleasurable is the setting that's best for you at any given time.
  • Place the Flow Orb under or beside whatever is the most painful area of your foot at that time.
  • Leave it there for one cycle of 15 minutes. Use light pressure, resting your foot on the Flow Orb rather than standing on it or pushing hard on it. As long as you can feel the vibration - the Orb and your foot is doing what it needs to heal.
  • The key is to ensure the sensation is pleasurable, as fascia will not release if the pressure is too intense. Follow the pain as it shifts, relocating the Flow Orb each day to target different areas.
  • Again - if both feet are affected - do both feet. A full cycle on each.
use the flow orb to treat plantar fasciitis

Complementary Exercises for Foot Core Strength

In addition to using the Flow Orb, incorporating simple exercises can further strengthen the foot core and support fascia repair. Here are five exercises to perform daily:

Exercise 1: Short Foot Exercises

  • Stand barefoot with your feet slightly apart.
  • Spread your toes wide and ensure they are on the ground.
  • Without scrunching your toes, contract your arch muscles to shorten your foot, bringing the balls of your feet closer to your heels.
  • Hold for 2 seconds, release, and repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2: Towel or Golf Ball Grabs

  • Sit in a chair and place a towel on the floor.
  • Using your toes, pull the towel towards you while keeping your toes on the ground.
  • Squeeze and hold for 2 seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times.
  • Alternatively, use a golf ball and try to pick it up with your toes.

Exercise 3: Toe Spreading

  • Spread your toes by placing your fingers between each toe and stretching them apart, and doing a slight rotation to get your toes moving and spreading.
  • Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4: Foot Curl

  • Sit in a chair and place your bare foot across your knee.
  • Run your hand down the top of your foot, straightening your foot in line with your leg.
  • When your hand reaches your toes, curl your toes UNDER like scrunching.
  • Hold for 2 seconds and repeat 10 times for each foot.

Exercise 5: Fascia & Lymphatic Massage

  • Use the Flow Orb as described earlier to allow lymphatic flow; and target areas of discomfort in your foot, promoting fascia release and repair.

It's recommended that you do these exercises daily for 2-3 months. Based on client feedback it's likely that you'll notice some improvement after about 2-4 weeks. It's very common for the plantar fasciitis to completely disappear after about 2-3 months. The key is to be patient, and be consistent. Healing takes time and a little TLC.

Remember: you deserve to be kind to yourself. Doing your exercises is a delight - not a chore. You can put your feet up while you're watching your favourite programme, enjoying a cuppa, or reading your favourite book, or being waited on hand and foot. What's not to love? 

Does It Work?

Check out the reviews for the Flow Orb to see what people like Anita and Terri-Lee are saying. Their plantar fasciitis is gone, gone, gone; and they're back to work, running, walking, and doing the activities they love to do.

Terri-Lee loves her Flow Orb so much that she bought 5 Flow Orbs for her friends and family. 

Additional Tips For Healing

  • Ditch Restrictive Footwear: Wear shoes with wider toe boxes and flatter soles to allow natural foot movement.
  • Go Barefoot: Spend at least 10 minutes a day walking barefoot on earth, grass or beach to strengthen your foot core, improve natural movement, and reduce inflammation.
  • Hydrate: Drink around 2 litres of clean water daily to stay hydrated and support lymphatic function.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Reduce exposure to toxins and inflammatory foods. Consider incorporating lemon juice or potassium citrate to lower uric acid levels.


Treating plantar fasciitis effectively requires a holistic approach that addresses foot core strength, lymphatic health, and fascia repair. By using the Flow Orb Vibrating and Oscillating Massage Ball in conjunction with simple exercises, you can promote natural healing and restore the health and functionality of your feet.

Embrace these practices to move beyond the pain of plantar fasciitis and enjoy a life free from heel pain.


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